Bleeding Hearts of a Butterfly
“With you, I don’t like it but love it, even if it means to live in a hell. Not that a child is a hell, but in our case, it would mean the world.”
“I would be a house wife and jobless,” I smile, opening my eyes.
“No man should say my wife doesn’t have a job. It’s impossible for a woman not to have one. She may not sit behind a desk or get paid but she deserves a reward for everything she has and does as a woman and a wife, or a mother. Her family is her job. She takes care of them; she worries about them all day and night. So how come I’d say my lady, my love and my wife doesn’t have a job? Not especially when you are there to share the pains and joys of life with me. You’re in charge of my life; I’m your job. I will worship you in every way possible and award you in as much as I can. You’re the boss of my life, my master and I your slave. I love you, Butterfly.”
“You mean, master Butterfly?” I smile big in delight. “My love lord, my wizard, I love you.” I stretch myself up and kiss him. “Get up now; you should be at work.” I get up and roll myself in the white sheet and walk to the closet to pick something for him to dress himself.
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